How will I manage to breastfeed my baby exclusively?

The road to exclusive breastfeeding starts from the maternity ward!
Ask your gynecologist to ensure that you are allowed skin-to-skin contact with your baby during the first hour after delivery. Inform the head of the maternity department that you do not wish to give your newborn formula. Make sure to have your baby constantly by your side, choosing rooming-in with the mother-infant pair in the delivery room 24 hours a day. The newborn will be separated from the mother only if necessary for an examination that cannot be performed in the hospital room.
- How often and for how long should I breastfeed my baby?
One of the most important aspects of exclusive breastfeeding success is to understand that there is NO schedule! We breastfeed our newborns as often as they ask and for as long as they desire.
- Should I use a breast pump to monitor if I have the right amount of milk?
No! Insufficient milk supply is a very rare condition. Pumping milk and then offering it to the baby with a bottle is a tiresome process that deprives both the mother and the baby of the joy of breastfeeding. Moreover, it can confuse the newborn and lead to nipple confusion because the effort required to breastfeed is different from that needed to extract milk from a bottle. For the same reason, we also avoid using a pacifier for at least the first 40 days of life, a period during which breastfeeding is established.
- How can I know that my milk is enough for my baby to grow properly?
You can monitor your baby's urination and the number of bowel movements. These are clinical signs that give us a good estimate of their hydration status. However, the most objective way to determine if the newborn is being fed adequately is through weight gain. A baby who gains weight appropriately for their age leaves no room for concern about insufficient milk supply.
- What is the best breastfeeding position?
The only prerequisites are for the mother to feel comfortable and for the baby to be able to latch onto the entire areola and not just the nipple to avoid injuries. Also, it's better for the baby's head to be in a straight position and for the nose to be close to your chest but not obstructed by it, so they can breathe without interrupting breastfeeding.
- How can the father help his partner?
We must not forget the role of the father in establishing breastfeeding! The new mother needs encouragement, support, and care. It's important for the breastfeeding mother to rest while the baby sleeps. Therefore, the father will need to help as much as possible with household chores and the care of older children. This way, the mother can focus on the newborn, and breastfeeding will be established much more quickly.
Finally, remember not to interrupt breastfeeding because your baby has jaundice or because you have mastitis and need to take antibiotics. Your pediatrician will help you manage these two conditions without depriving your baby of the valuable benefits of breast milk.
Trust your body, follow your baby's lead, and enjoy every moment!
Dr. Eleni Plessa - Tel.: 6985022663