How can I protect my child from the sun?

June 3, 2024 by dimitrisg
  • Choose the right sunscreen, apply it to dry skin, and reapply frequently!

The sunscreen we choose for our children should provide protection against UVA and against UVB and have a high protection factor (SPF 50+)The reason we choose sunscreen with a high protection factor for children is that we never use a sufficient amount, nor do we reapply it as often as we should. As a result, the level of protection it provides can be reduced by up to 50%.

The application of sunscreen should be done on dry skin and repeated every 2 hours.No matter how water-resistant the sunscreen we chose is, when the child goes in and out of the sea or is sweating, it needs to be reapplied more frequently than every 2 hours.

The photoprotective filters used in sunscreens can be either physical or chemical. Physical filters act like millions of mirrors that reflect ultraviolet radiation, while chemical filters convert ultraviolet radiation into infrared, which is harmless to the skin. The sunscreens with physical filters have high skin tolerance and rarely cause irritation, making them safe for protecting children with sensitive or atopic skin. They provide protection from the moment of application, but due to their dense texture, they are difficult to spread and often require a large amount for proper application. sunscreens with chemical filters have a thin texture, making their application easy, and they require a smaller amount for complete protection. However, to act effectively, they need to be applied 20 minutes before sun exposure, and they may cause irritation to children with sensitive or compromised skin barriers. There are also sunscreens with new technology that contain a combination of natural and chemical filters,significantly reducing the disadvantages of both categories.

  • Cover your children's bodies with appropriate clothing!

Especially for infants under six months,for whom sunscreen use is not recommended, the only way to protect them when you cannot avoid sun exposure is to cover their bodies with clothing.Make sure, however, that sunlight does not penetrate the fabric by placing your hand under the clothing. If you can't see it, then the fabric is suitable for sun exposure. Generally, the denser the weave of a fabric and the darker its color, the greater the sun protection it provides. In recent years, specially designed clothing with high protection against ultraviolet radiation is available on the market effective bothin and out of the water.

  • Choose a wide-brimmed hat and don't forget sunglasses!

Teach your baby to wear a hat from the first months of life, so that they get used to it and don't resist wearing it later. Choose a wide-brimmed hat that protects not only the face but also the neck and ears of your child. Remember sunglasses because the delicate skin around the eyes is very vulnerable to the effects of sun exposure, and the ocular lens in infants and children has increased permeability to ultraviolet radiation.

  • Avoid sun exposure between 11:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. and on cloudy days!

Even if you think your children will stay constantly under the umbrella, its shadow is not enough to protect them during midday hours. Cloudy days are extremely dangerous because we tend to neglect sun protection measures then. Remember that up to 80% of ultraviolet radiation can penetrate through clouds!

  • Protect your children from the sun not only at the beach but also in your backyard!

Sun protection measures are necessary in any activity involving continuous sun exposure exceeding 15 minutes, not only at the beach but also on walks, bike rides, playground games, in the square, even in your home's backyard!

Remember that children mimic the habits of their parents. Set a positive example, adopt appropriate sun protection measures for yourself, and create unforgettable summer memories safely together!

Dr. Eleni Plessa - Tel.: 6941583838

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